Rajat Singh
Rajat Singh
Java, Python, HTML, CSS, Reactjs, Angular, Nodejs, JavaScript, Rest, Git

About Me

I am a Software Engineer with a Masters Degree in Software Engineering from East Carolina University.

I'm looking for software developer roles where I can work in challenging environments amongst technology driven and passionate colleagues.

I've filed a patent for "RFID based Smart Shopping Cart". I'm most attracted to solving real customer problems with a business justification.

    Work Experience

    East Carolina University, North Carolina
    Graduate/Research Assistant    Jan'17 - March' 18

  • Worked in Department of Computer Science/Construction department as an Technical Assistant, helping and maintaining their web application.
  • Gathered the requirement and helping in research for training/testing AI models in Construction department
  • Implemented new functionality and Rest Services for online student portal using Angular, React, JavaScript
  • Implemented authorization layer for the application using Angular, Nodejs framework.
  • Worked with Tech support team to debug and resolve daily ongoing Issues.

  • Diesel Modernisation Work, India
    Software Engineering Intern    Jun'15- Aug'15

  • Worked in Electrical-Computer Science Research Department on monitoring and handling microprocessor controls for various Micro-processor operated machines.
  • Involved in improving the web UI using JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS.
  • Worked on one of the module of Medha Software for monitoring the simulation of microcontrollers.
  • Actively participated in daily SCRUM meetings to produce quality deliverables within time.


My personal interests include:

  • Deep learning. It's an exciting time for machine learning. I'm working through several online classes, and swap articles with collegues.

  • Algorithms. Algorithms fascinate me. I've taken various grad level algorithmic courses and participated in various competitions to hone this skill.

  • Art. I've been an enthusiastic hobbiest since I was a teenager.I've participated and won numerous Art Competitions and Exhibitions, over various years.

Recent Projects

    InCart Book Library

  • An Ecommerce Single-Page React based application for book shopping, capable of adding new book and managing cart, uses Redux for state management, MongoDb as a database, build own Api using Nodejs/Express
  • Android Application

  • An MVC based Android application in which user can report crime at current position, date and time and data can be retrieve as an JSON format, uses Fragment as an UI, firebase as a backend service and uses all android basic functionalities (ListView, RecyclerView, Calendar API, and Google Maps API).
  • Spring/Hibernate Web Application

  • An MVC java web application which uses Spring MVC framework and Hibernate ORM and thymeleaf template as an View for user Interface in which user can upload and categories images and gif based on various categories.
  • WebChat Application

  • An Angular based chat application which allow user to chat in real time using Angular as a frontend framework, web sockets Concepts and NodeJs on Backend

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